
The Sweetness of Doing Nothing


In the book “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert, she learns an Italian phrase: La dolcezza del far niente – the sweetness of doing nothing. Nothingness is that pleasant experience of enjoying time going by and letting your thoughts take over. Italy has the beauty of amazing landscapes, from the coasts and seaside to the highest mountains. That is where dolce far niente is at its best, where all that matters is living the moment. No stress, no pressure, nothing matters; just live in the moment, a ‘doing nothing’ moment. How can we create that philosophy for ourselves during our summer breaks?

I stenciled that Italian phrase on a wall in my Tuscan garden – which, ironically, is in Minnesota. When I am gardening, I escape in time and joy, not only in what I see but what is to come and what could be. Teachers may experience that same feeling during the summer break. It’s a time when the stress and pressure of our work are absent, freeing up our creativity, finding possibilities, and exploring our “what ifs.”  Those summertime gifts are a great way to enhance what we bring to our students in the fall. Projects are everywhere, and during the summer, we have the time to observe, be fascinated, and be astounded by all that surrounds us.

Here is a summer challenge for you: What is your passion? With time to dedicate to it, what will you do? What unanswered question is out there for you to pursue? As you spend your time creating your project, notice how it feels, and know that you create for your students when you bring project-based learning into their lives. If you were a student, what project would you create for yourself? What kind of guidance and support would you need to learn and grow?

Have a wonderful summer break! Explore and bring what you learned to your students in the fall.